Living Alone at Home

Living Alone at Home – How Ruxum Can Help Keep Them Safe

As we age, it becomes increasingly difficult to live alone at home. Seniors face various challenges, responding to acute conditions and emergencies, managing their health and medications and staying connected with their loved ones. For those who live alone, these challenges can feel even more daunting.

Studies have shown that seniors are prone to accidents due to declining health or mobility issues. If they fall and can’t get up, it can become a life-threatening situation when left unaddressed. This is especially true if the fall renders them unconscious. According to the CDC in the USA, they anticipate 7 fall deaths every hour by 2030 in the USA alone. That’s where Ruxum comes in.

Ruxum is a waterproof, wearable device for senior citizens in India that can be customized for various scenarios for seniors and others. With Ruxum, seniors get access to 24/7 emergency support at the touch of a button. This assistance sought could be from specific designated contacts or, as in the case of certain apartment complexes, even the whole building. When a designated contact arrives to help, they are guided how to proceed in the event a hospitalization is needed.

In addition to emergency support, Ruxum also offers a range of other features that can help seniors live safely and independently at home. For example, Ruxum can provide reminders for medication management, ensuring seniors take the right medication at the right time. Ruxum can also monitor vital signs and alert caregivers or medical professionals if there are any concerns. Moreover, with continued use, Ruxum can draw insights from the data collected and make others aware of potential health problems.

With Ruxum, seniors can feel more secure and confident in living alone at home. By providing comprehensive support and assistance, Ruxum helps seniors maintain their independence and quality of life.

One may ask, what are the pitfalls of using such a device. Sure, any technology has its learning curve but in the case of Ruxum, the makers worked closely with seniors to make the device and the phone application easy to use. They also made it so that personal information was kept private and secured with tools from leading cloud providers. And they kept the cost low by not requiring a SIM for operation. Ruxum emergency pendant is available at Amazon as well as on with a promotional discount.

In conclusion, aging is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to mean giving up independence or safety. With Ruxum, seniors can live comfortably and confidently in their own homes, knowing that they have access to help and support whenever they need it.

With Ruxum, you are never alone.

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Do I Qualify for Ruxum?

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